Coaches:      Fill in appropriate items below to send me your Team's Race entries......

You should receive an email confirmation from me (within 24 hours) that I've received your entries ONLY IF you include your email address - if you don't get an acknowledgement please follow up with an email inquiry to "".
(Note:  this does not to refer to the "thank you" message you get when you click "Submit" - you should get an email with your entries listed to show I received them all).

Please submit separate entries for Girls and Boys Teams UNLESS less than 60 total racers

Event Name:


Your School's Name:


Boys or Girls Team:

  Put "Both" if both Boys & Girls
 (*** if sending both on one list PLEASE list all Boys then all Girls ***)

Names & Codes for individual racers:

**List racers  in order you wish them to start**
***(unless mass start)  

If Relay Racers indicate Relay leg
by "R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", etc.

If you don't want a First wave or Second wave racer just start numbering with 2 or 3 instead of 1
***(interval start races only)

Please use these High School Race Codes:
Varsity = VR
Jr. Varsity = JV
Middle School/Jr. High = JH

*** Also please give school grade for each racer

Examples:  (order (#1= first out), last name, first name, grade, race)          

NOTE: order not needed for mass starts
1  Olson, Katie  11 VR
2  Bean, Rachel  9 VR 
3 Smith, Suzie 10 VR

1  Smith, Flo  10 JV     
2  Jones, Missy  9 JV  
3 Howard, Ruthie 12 JV

1  Little, Amy  8 JH     
2  Smaller, Jenny  7 JH
3 Dancer, Tiny  6  JH  

Relay Team Example   
 R1  Smith, Bobby  12 VR
 R2  Jones, Freddy 10 VR
  R3  Fritz, Steve   11  VR  
R4  Blink, Ronald   9 VR 

 Desired Format:
 Rank -sp- Name -sp- Grade -sp - Race ("-sp-" is a space)
 1  Lastname,Firstname  11  VR        
 (no Rank needed for Cross Country  Running Race)



NOTE: if you have this info on your computer as a text document or spreadsheet you can copy & paste into the
Text Box above - I should be able to get what I need

Contact person's Phone #:

Contact person's Email address:


Click Submit buttom once only when you are done
this will email your entries to me  


use Clear button to start over